You just have to keep in mind to clean your PC frequently so that it doesn’t gather dust and then causing higher temperatures. For everyday moderate usage, anything under 80° is considered acceptable. If you are seeing temperature over 90° this may damage the chip and the device might turn down eventually. The fans might be covered and not enough air is coming through to cool the CPU. In an ideal world, you would want to keep your idling CPU temperature below 60°, if you are idling between 70° to 80° then something is not right.

For example, the AMD Ryzen 5 processor has a max temperature value of 95° and can check the specifications here. To find out about your model’s highest operating temperature you can do a quick Google search and find the information generally listed on the brand website. Instead, there is a Max temperature which tells you that the limit in which the CPU will work normally. When it comes to CPUs there is not really good or bad temperature. Introduction How to check the CPU Temperature Check Temperature through BIOS Using Free Third-Party Software 1.